As we continue our summer road trip, we’re heading toward the Midwest where our second largest office within the Arrowhead family of companies is based. Let’s get to know the folks running Automotive Aftermarket in our Overland Park, Kansas office and learn more about the American Heartland.
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Creative and Communications
Summer Road Trip 2016 - Destination Overland Park, KS
[fa icon="calendar'] 06.17.2016 / by Creative and Communications
Far-flung employees work remotely
[fa icon="calendar'] 06.17.2016 / by Creative and Communications
The daily grind for a telecommuter looks a bit different from the typical office worker’s day. Remote workers don’t have a dress code, need a parking pass, or battle other commuters on the road. Their office is their dining room. A study. A corner of their bedroom.
Summer Road Trip 2016 - Destination Alpharetta, GA
[fa icon="calendar'] 05.20.2016 / by Creative and Communications
We’re kicking off our company's summer road trip in the Southeast and featuring our two offices – Tampa and Alpharetta. Let’s meet the people who make these places hum and find out more about their regions.
Alpharetta's claim to fame:
- Home of countless big companies (Coca-Cola, UPS, Home Depot and more)
- Northern suburb of Atlanta that Forbes once named one of the "10 friendliest towns in America"
Honing Arrowhead leaders with training courses
[fa icon="calendar'] 05.20.2016 / by Creative and Communications
How to handle people with tact and skill. How to build your team by maximizing their strengths while providing resources for their challenges. How to be the leader your team wants to follow.
All of these challenges and more have been topics in Arrowhead’s first-ever leadership training series, both for new managers and also as refresher classes for long-time managers or supervisors.
Summer Road Trip 2016 - Destination Tampa, FL
[fa icon="calendar'] 05.20.2016 / by Creative and Communications
We’re kicking off our company's summer road trip in the Southeast and featuring our two offices – Tampa and Alpharetta. Let’s meet the people who make these places hum and find out more about their regions.
Tampa's claim to fame:
- Miles and miles of beaches stretching around Tampa Bay
- Home to the Buccaneers and ACM’s Personal Property Claims Division
Movin' up - Employee promotions & kudos
[fa icon="calendar'] 03.18.2016 / by Creative and Communications
Welcome to The Hub's central location for applause and accolades for all employees. It's nice to be recognized, and what better way to give a shout out than on our company's blog? Check out this all-star lineup of the movers and shakers at Arrowhead, Bellingham, OnPoint, ACM and its companies.
Marketing know-how: How to make your program more profitable
[fa icon="calendar'] 03.18.2016 / by Creative and Communications
We just went through the budget process, and if you’re like most profit centers, you’re not yet seeing a pot o’ gold – instead, you’re feeling the pinch in your budget. How can you not only stretch that budget, but get the most return on your spend? How can you capture more producers’ business with your marketing dollars – and keep them coming back, year after year?
Marketing know-how: Bored fish, sophisticated lures and content marketing
[fa icon="calendar'] 03.18.2016 / by Creative and Communications
Imagine this scene:
You found a great fishing hole - one that's teeming with fish just waiting to be caught. What a great day of fishing that was. Now fast forward a few years, and you're headed back to that same spot. Yes, it's been discovered and has become more crowded and it takes longer to lure and catch fish, because your fishing rod is just a no-frills rod and a hook with a little bait. Still, you're positive you'll return home with a cooler full of fish.
Marketing know-how: What’s owned, earned and paid media?
[fa icon="calendar'] 03.18.2016 / by Creative and Communications
And why do I need all three?
Smart marketers know not to put all their eggs in one basket. So when it comes to digital marketing, we need to use all three types: owned, earned and paid. So what’s the difference, why do I need them all, and when should I use them?
Does your work environment need some help?
[fa icon="calendar'] 02.22.2016 / by Creative and Communications
In a recent survey of Arrowhead, ACM and OnPoint employees, we asked which companies you love and why. As the results rolled in, work environment ranked fourth. When probed more deeply as to what our coworkers mean by work environment, they immediately start talking about Google's campus.