Jamie Cox is a commercial lines service manager with our Automotive Aftermarket Program based in the Overland Park, KS office. In her third guest blog, she's sharing thought-provoking ways to successfully manage multiple generations of workers within the same team.
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Guest blog - Generational leadership
[fa icon="calendar'] 03.30.2017 / by Corporate
Quiz time - Who wants extra PTO & prizes?
[fa icon="calendar'] 11.17.2016 / by Corporate
We're giving away 5 PTO days
Earlier this year, our executive team agreed to give away five extra days of PTO to one lucky winner. All the employees have to do is take one quiz each month for 10 months and score a perfect 100% on each one. Then, their name would be added to a raffle in December where one lucky winner would be announced the proud owner of five extra PTO days.
Spring cleaning – organize your desk and computer files like a boss
[fa icon="calendar'] 03.18.2016 / by Corporate
Sorry, your mom doesn’t work here. So, here’s our obligatory spring cleaning blog. And don't worry if you're a secret sloppy coworker. We have our suspicions, that's why we're sharing these tips with everyone.
National Programs Overview
[fa icon="calendar'] 01.21.2016 / by Corporate
In the summer of 2014, Brown & Brown consolidated its existing Programs Division, known as National Programs. Arrowhead's management team was honored to take on the task of uniting the companies around the country. The goal - Become a unified organization so that our combined size can make a bigger impact in the marketplace. Over the next year we will be featuring our sister companies and fellow coworkers in our newsletter and blog.